Parents’ Information
The School Day Nursery: 9.00am-3:00pm (30 hours a week) Infants: 8.45am-3.15pm (32.5 hours a week) Juniors: 8.50am-3.20pm (32.5 hours a week) We operate a soft start in the juniors (8:40am-8:50am) Year Group Time Preferred entry and exit gate Nursery 9:00am West Avenue Reception 8:45am West Avenue Year 1 8:45am West Avenue Year 2 8:45am West …
We use a variety of methods to communicate and share information with you. If you have any queries or concerns regarding your child, it is important to inform the class teacher as soon as possible. Please email and mark it for the teacher’s attention. The class teacher can usually resolve any issues but if you …
School Lunches, Snacks & Milk
Your child may have a school meal or bring in a packed lunch from home. Our school meals are prepared and cooked on site each day by Herts Catering, who provide us with healthy balanced meals. More information is available on their website: If your child has a food allergy or intolerance and you …
Uniform Policy At Killigrew, we expect all children in the main school (Reception to Y6) to wear a school uniform. Our smart and practical uniform is in place because: It encourages a strong sense of identity, pride and belonging within our school community It sets an appropriate climate and readiness to learn Children are easily …
Online Payments
We use Arbor to help you to easily manage your child’s school meal ordering and payment as well as booking clubs and trips. Online payments can be made via this link:
Breakfast Club
Club Kidz run a breakfast club at Killigrew. They open at 7.30am until the start of the school day. They provide a variety of breakfast options as well as indoor and outdoor activities. They walk the children to their classroom door at the beginning of the school day. For more information please visit the Club …
After School Club
Club Kidz is an after school club for children aged between 3 to 11 years. Their ethos is to create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere where children can have fun and make friends in a safe and stimulating environment managed by professional staff. The Club Kidz team collect the children from their classroom doors and walk them …
Summer Term Clubs w/c 9th September Please check individual clubs for date of final session Monday Club Time Location Run by Start date End date To book Lego/construction Year 1 & 2 3.20-4.20 Skylarks Mrs Hill 09/09/24 09/12/24 Bookable through Arbor £5.00 per session Football Year 1 & 2 3:20-4:20 Field St Albans City …
We all have a responsibility to ensure that children are kept safe whilst using technology. A large proportion of children’s exposure to and use of the internet takes place outside school as they have access to an ever-increasing range of technology that links to the internet e.g. phones, iPads, smart watches, television and game consoles. …
Killigrew is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection Policy. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. All …
Parent Support
We work closely with St Albans Plus Schools Partnership to support children and families. They provide access to a range of services including emotional wellbeing and early intervention to support families through difficult times, enabling children to have better outcomes. We also have a School Family Worker who can advise and support families. Further information …