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School Admissions

Starting at a new school is a very important step for your child. As we are a community school, Hertfordshire County Council manages our school admissions.

Hertfordshire County Council Admissions

If you have any questions you can contact Hertfordshire County Council via their customer service centre on 0300 123 4043.

School Tours

We admit children into Reception in the September following their 4th birthday. We offer tours of the school from the end of September. If your child was born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020, they may start at Killigrew School in September 2024.

Please book a school tour for Reception here: On the link, please click forward on the month to see the tour dates for each month. Please allow approximately one hour for the main school tour.

Reception tour dates
Monday 9th October 9:40am
Friday 3rd November 9:40am
Friday 10th November 9:40am
Monday 20th November 9:40am
Friday 1st December 9:40am
Friday 8th December 9:40am

We look forward to meeting you and your child later in the academic year. If you have any questions, please email us on:

Nursery Admissions

We admit children into Nursery in the September following their third birthday. We offer 30 hours provision.

Please book a school tour for Nursery here: On the link, please click forward on the month to see the tour dates for each month.

Nursery admissions and tours open at the end of November 2023 for children starting nursery in September 2024. If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, they may start at Killigrew Nursery in September 2024.

Nursery tour dates
Monday 27th November 9:15am
Monday 11th December 9:15am
Monday 8th January 9:15am
Tuesday 23rd January 9:15am
Tuesday 6th February 9:15am

Please allow approximately half an hour for the nursery tour.

Please complete our application form. Killigrew Nursery website information 2024

Nursery Admissions Timeline
Tuesday 31st October 2023: Applications for September 2024 Nursery places open
Friday 23rd February 2024: Applications for September 2024 Nursery places close
Wednesday 13th March 2024: School will write to parents offering a place
Wednesday 20th March 2024: Parents must accept or decline a place by this date

We look forward to meeting you and your child later in the academic year.
If you have any questions, please email us on