Our Curriculum

Curriculum Overview

We strive to create an exciting environment which will stimulate children and make them want to learn and develop good long term attitudes to school and to learning. We monitor children’s progress and development carefully so that new skills and ideas can be introduced as soon as a child is ready to progress to the …

Curriculum for Parents

Curriculum drivers

Curriculum Drivers

At Killigrew Primary and Nursery School we have four key drivers which are represented in the curriculum we teach our pupils.  Spoken Language Diversity Reading Personal Development We use these drivers to prepare our pupils for life-long learning, academic success, and positive mental wellbeing. These drivers underpin learning in all aspects of the curriculum and enrich …

Subject Rationales

Our subject rationales outline how and why we have chosen to teach each subject. You can find out more about the curriculum we are following on our subject overview and subject progression pages. Please email admin@killigrew.herts.sch.uk if you would like further information about our curriculum.

Subject Overviews

These curriculum documents give an overview of what we want our children to know and to be able to do in each subject in each year group. You can find out more about the curriculum we are following on our subject rationale and subject progression pages. Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from …

Subject Progression

These documents show how the children develop subject specific skills in each subject in each year group. You can find out more about the curriculum we are following on our subject rationale and subject overview  pages. Please email admin@killigrew.herts.sch.uk if you would like further information about our curriculum.

Personal Development

At Killigrew, we provide a variety of learning experiences and promote character-building qualities. This practice supports the development of  well-rounded, global citizens, who appreciate and celebrate diversity.  We support our pupils to be curious and creative learners who can talk confidently about their aspirations and goals. We continually develop strong and positive relationships within our …

British Values

At Killigrew, we value the diversity of backgrounds of all pupils, families and the wider school community. We are committed to serving the community. We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values. We take our responsibility to prepare children for life …