Good attendance is essential for your child’s education. Children need to attend school every day so that they build on the skills and knowledge learnt the previous day. Parents must ensure that their child comes to school regularly. If your child is unwell, please contact the school office via our absence line (01727 774200 Option 1) and send an email to confirm the reason for the absence on their return.
It is extremely important that children also arrive on time every day. If they are late, they miss the first part of the lesson and can find it embarrassing to settle in when the lesson has already started. Being late also disrupts the lesson and other children’s learning too. Pupils arriving late are marked as late in the register and this is recorded on their report at the end of the year. The Attendance Improvement Officer visits the school regularly to monitor absences and lateness.
It is extremely disruptive for a child to go on holiday during term time and children should not be taken out of school for holidays. We are unable to authorise holidays, birthday treats or family celebrations during term time.
Please make routine dental and doctor’s appointments after school or in the school holidays. If your child has an unavoidable appointment and will be late for school, please notify the class teacher in writing prior to the appointment.